GFWC Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club will meet at the Lutz Community Center on Thurs., Feb. 27 at 9:30 a.m. for fellowship followed by a meeting and “Talk of the Town” Fashion Show.
The members will model haute (and lower) couture culled from their Flea Market Le Chic Boutique.
This zany and fun event displays the great sense of humor of these clubwomen have while preparing for their big Annual Flea Market Event.
Mark your calendars for the best Flea in the area on Fri. & Sat. March 7th & 8th at the Old Lutz School from 8 am to 2 pm.
The ladies will collect donations from the community each Mon. & Wed. at the Old School from 9 till noon until the sale. They depend upon community donations to make this extravaganza the big success that it always is.
Each year, the proceeds are returned to our community in the form of scholarships and donations to the local community organizations.