18430 Livingston Dr.
GFWC LUTZ-LAND O’LAKES WOMAN’S CLUB has chosen to support David Penzer, a local realtor, as its candidate for the 2022 Honorary Guv’na of Lutz race. The winner of this wacky Guv’na contest, which raises funds for local charities, will be announced during the Lutz 4th of July celebration.
The clubwomen have scheduled a Bingo Fundraiser at SouthernEaze Bar & Grill at the intersection of Sunset La. and 18430 Livingston Dr. in Lutz on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. A donation of $10 will include 10 games, prizes and a 50/50 drawing. The restaurant opens at 4 pm so come early and bring a friend or two to support David Penzer and enjoy a meal and/or beverages. The candidate will be present to meet and greet and will bring a special guest. Join the clubwomen (and men) for a fun evening!