Book to be discussed: “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus.
There will be a family and baby shower luncheon to benefit Sunrise of Pasco County Domestic and Sexual Violence Center. In addition to a delicious lunch, there will be speakers, fun and games, opportunity baskets, 50-50 and door prizes.
Please come out and support this worthwhile cause and wear your purple, the color associated with Domestic Violence.

Please call Annette Bellingar at 813-482-8183 or email if you would like to attend.
Meet at Lutz Community Center at 5 p.m. to carpool to event or meet at St. Pete/Clearwater Airport.
Guests of Honor: Sara Dessureau, GFWC Florida President Elect and Dara Bargdoll, GFWC Florida First Vice President.
Book: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.
This is a “Birdie” Birthday Party so feel free to bring the parrots a treat:
Toys, Nuts in the Shell, Other bird treats